Sunday 18 December 2011

Cranberry walnut loaf cake

Cranberries are winter food. For me, their flavour evokes crisp days, frosty cobwebs, and warm homes. This is a recipe for a lovely moist loaf cake which I have made for others on a couple of occasions now - each time it has been well received. It would freeze well so it can easily be made in advance as a gift. The recipe is adapted from one found on My Blessed Life.

Cranberry walnut loaf cake
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Butter a loaf tin.

225g plain flour
75g golden caster sugar
50g light brown soft sugar
Pinch of salt
1 tbsp baking powder

Mix these ingredients in a large bowl.

120ml whole milk
30g butter
2 medium eggs
Half a tsp vanilla extract
Finely grated zest of an orange

Melt the butter. Beat the eggs and mix with the milk, vanilla, and orange zest. Gradually incorporate the melted butter into this mixture, stirring all the time.

Mix the dry ingredients with the egg mixture and combine but do not overmix.

150g cranberries
100g chopped walnuts

Add the cranberries and walnuts to the mixture and fold in.

Bake for 55-60 minutes.

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