Friday 13 July 2012

26 weeks down, 14 to go

One of the best things about this week was the 1.5 hours I spent yesterday evening at the pregnancy yoga class I've been attending for the past few weeks. Things have been so hectic at work and at home recently that I've felt as if I haven't had a lot of time to focus on the baby, or on myself. So the class was a welcome change of pace and opportunity to take time out for that.

The moves and postures in the class are designed to help the baby have room to grow and move, to get her to end up in a good position for being born, to strengthen my body (read: pelvic floor) for labour, and to relieve pregnancy aches and pains. Since I experienced my first pregnancy leg cramps this week in my left calf, coinciding with pelvic pain in my right hip, which meant difficulty walking for three days, it was good to stretch it out and get some tips for relief. I'm not sure how much of the advice and postures I'll actually remember during labour! But I plan to keep going over the summer so that I can have time out and hopefully learn something.

In other news this week, I played Beethoven's Eroica Symphony very loudly this evening, which set the baby well and truly dancing around in there. She's got good musical taste already! We also finally chose our pram, which will be put on order in the near future.

I've also started to be a lot more weepy this week. Even just looking at a picture of a newborn baby brings on the tears. I can't wait to meet my little girl and see what she looks like and hold her in my arms, and see Nick holding her. Only three months to go.

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