Sunday 10 November 2013

How to have a clean house without really trying - Part 7

Here's what I probably should have said at the very beginning.

Don't worry

Having a clean house isn't the goal of life. It helps free up time and energy for other things, and provides a nice environment to enjoy with others, but it doesn't provide true fulfilment. After all, things get messy just as soon as they've been tidied.

Ultimately, a welcoming home isn't a matter of how clean it is, but a matter of the heart. The hardest thing for me, given that I'm house-proud, is choosing to put achieving a clean before being loving, acting with kindness, and growing as a Christian. My home is a helpful tool but all too often it dominates my entire life.

I started this series because I've been challenged recently that worth and value aren't to be found in the material things of life, or in having a clean house. Those things don't ultimately satisfy. The state of my heart is much more important. If I have a clean house but an empty, broken, evil heart, what good is that? Thankfully, I I believe in a God who can give us new hearts and new life. That's amazing!

So, if you visit my home, you'll probably find it's quite clean and tidy, but I hope you'll also find a place where kindness, truth, and grace are scattered all over the place.

Laura x

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