Thursday 5 December 2013

E is for Emmanuel

The name Emmanuel is one of the many names given to Jesus in the Bible. It means 'God with us'. What does that mean in everyday life?

It means that we can have assurance that our life is in Christ.
It means that God will never leave us.
It means that Jesus was literally here on earth and that he has full empathy with human experience.
It means that Jesus was God himself.

It means a lot. It's amazing that God himself would come to be with us and to die in our place. 

One of my favourite advent carols is 'O come, O come, Emmanuel'. The first verse talks about a redeemer coming to save Israel (God's people).

O come, O come, Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel,
That mourns in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear.

Before Christ came to be with us, we were in exile. We had no hope of life and we were cut off from God. Jesus came to rescue us, appearing as a baby, living as a man, and dying on a cross, paying the ransom for our rejection of God, so that those who believe in him as God's King can have eternal life. 

The chorus of that carol reminds us that Christ has come and will come again:

Rejoice! Rejoice!
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

We wait for our returning King.

What is your favourite advent carol?

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