Sunday 16 June 2013

Saturday ice-cream: Frozen raspberry yoghurt

Hello again!

This weekend's ice-cream was just for me and a friend, left in Oxford for the weekend as our husbands travelled east for a wedding. So, it was time for a girly one.

This one is super-easy, healthy, and full of flavour.

Laura x

Frozen raspberry yoghurt
Takes 40 minutes (10 minutes prep, 30 minutes churning)
Serves 4

400g fresh or defrosted frozen raspberries
300g plain yoghurt
Honey to taste

Quite simply, puree the raspberries, mix in the yoghurt and honey to sweeten, and churn in the machine for 30 minutes.

For a smooth texture, sieve the pureed raspberries before mixing with the yoghurt.

Alternative fruits: ripe mango, strawberries, blueberries, banana

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