Tuesday 11 June 2013

Saturday ice-cream: Vanilla yoghurt

Hello everyone!

We've been enjoying warm, fine weather here for the past two weeks. It's been wonderful! 

A couple of years ago we purchased a Magimix Le Glacier 1.5l ice-cream maker. It was a hot summer! Last year, it was barely used. So, to celebrate this summer, I came up with a plan: Saturday ice-cream. This idea has proved very popular with my lovely husband!

So, each week (give or take a few) for the duration of the summer, you'll find here a post about our weekend treat! 

Home-made ice-cream is great: even though it's never exactly healthy, you can enjoy it knowing exactly what has gone into it.

This week's ice-cream was vanilla yoghurt. It was really easy to make and came up light and flavoursome. The yoghurt cuts through the sweetness really nicely.


Laura x

PS. Another upside of making ice-cream? Lots of leftover egg whites, a perfect excuse for me to continue my mission to master the macaron...

Vanilla yoghurt icecream
Takes 1.5 hours (15 minutes hands on, 45 minutes cooling time, 30 minutes churning)
Serves 4-6

150ml milk
1 tsp cornflour
1 egg yolk
50g caster sugar
150ml good-quality plain yoghurt
150ml whipping cream
1 tsp good-quality vanilla essence (not vanilla extract)

Mix the cornflour with a little of the milk. Heat the rest of the milk in a saucepan.

Whisk together the egg yolk and sugar, then pour on the hot milk very slowly, whisking all the time. (Pouring it too fast will curdle the eggs.) Stir in the cornflour mixture.

Return the mixture to the saucepan and gently heat, stirring continuously, until it thickens (around boiling point). Leave to cool.

Mix in the yoghurt, cream and vanilla essence, then pour into the ice-cream machine and churn.

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